Durability Section of Drainage Handbook

Durability Section of Drainage Handbook.pdf

Durability Section of Drainage Handbook

This document is the Durability section of the ADS Drainage Handbook. It gives an overview of of durability considerations, corrosion information, erosion information and other durability conditions.

Information covered for corrosion includes chemical corrosion, electrochemical corrosion and stress crack resistance.

Erosion information includes combined erosion and chemical corrosion and oxidation.

Other durability conditions are sub-zero conditions, high temperature, ultraviolet radiation, animal attack and flammability.

Footnotes are a portion of the section as well as figures coving abrasion resistance of pipe and bends for HDPE and CMP and the oxidation cycle.

Tables included in the section are Saskatchewan Research Council Wear Rates, Lane Metal Wear Rates, Relative Wear Resistance and California State University Abrasion Results.

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