StormTech + EcoPure Standard Detail
StormTech + EcoPure Standard Detail.pdf

StormTech + EcoPure Standard Detail.
This document is the StormTech + EcoPure Standard Detail. Schematic, cross section, benefits and treatment/flow rates with performance notes are included.
StormTech EcoPure & Isolator Row Plus cross section shows the EcoPure in relation to the bypass, solid lid, permanent pool, curb inlet, standpipes, infiltration chambers, filter outlet, EcoPure biomedia bed and cleanout. More of the profile shows the elevated bypass manifold, Flamp, chamber geotextile, HDPE access pipe, Nyloplast and sump depth.
The offline configuration featuring the EcoPure bypass, inlet pipe and diversion structure is diagrammed.
The EcoPure & isolator Row Plus schematic details the EcoPure curb inlet with the Nyloplast basin, flow through stone, inlet manifold, fabric scour protection, underdrain and outlet control structure.
Key benefits of the EcoPure include: compact lid/green infrastructure technology, compartmentalized O&M sections, utilizes jurisdictional bioretention media in the growth section, living surface biomass, trash and dry storage components.
Some of the EcoPure performance notes include how the biofilter is an inline unit capable of conveying 100% of the design peak flow that can bypass excessive flow rates. Also, it removes 85% or more of TSS and 70% removal of dissolved phosphorus.
Other key benefits of an EcoPure & Isolator Row Plus design are enhanced sediment removal, extended maintenance cycles, easy to install and configure to specific sites and online design tools to create layouts.
The key benefits of the StormTech chambers are a large selection of chambers to fit your site, easily configurable, meets ASTM F2418, ASTM F2922 and ASTM F2787 design requirements, exceeds AASHTO LRFD design specs for HS-20 live and burial loads, patented Isolator Row Plus long term performance technology for water quality and less maintenance. StormTech field engineers and internal engineering services are available to assist with layouts.
Additional charts listing EcoPure treatment rate, Isolator Row Plus flow rates and EcoPure mass capture capacity are included.