12" - 30" Road & Highway and Curb Inlet Field Adjustments Nyloplast Detail

12" - 30" Road & Highway and Curb Inlet Field Adjustments Nyloplast Detail.dwg

12" - 30" Road & Highway and Curb Inlet Field Adjustments Nyloplast Detail

This document is the 12” x 30” Road & Highway and Curb Inlet Field Adjustment Nyloplast Detail. Illustrations with chart shown.

The illustrations show the Road & Highway and curb inlet structures with level indicators. The chart detail’s structure sizes 12”, 15”, 18”, 24” & 30” with B column measurements.

Notes explain that maximum deflection for 4” – 30” ADS N-12/Hancor Dual Wall corrugated HDPE pipe in any direction. Also Maximum field grade trim adjustment is shown.

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