PP5-HD Turf Reinforcement Mat Geosynthetic Specification

PP5-HD Turf Reinforcement Mat Geosynthetic Specification.pdf

PP5-HD Turf Reinforcement Mat Geosynthetic Specification

This document is the ADS Geosynthetics PP5-HD Turf Reinforcement Mat. A properties chart for the turf reinforcement mat with values is included.

ADS Geosynthetics PP5-HD is a fully synthetic, UV stable Turf Reinforcement Mat manufactured by weaving continuous, synthetic thread elements by way of a proprietary process to form a lofty, three-dimensional pattern. PP5-HD is resistant to environmental and climatic conditions and provides high strength, durability and turf reinforcement performance. PP5-HD is constructed of UV stabilized, high strength synthetic yarns to be incorporated into turf and/or the soil matrix. For typical installations, the expected design life of PP5-HD is 25 years, however, may be less or indefinite.

The chart lists the values for the turf reinforcement mat properties for tensile strength, elongation, initial tangent modulus, mass per unit area, thickness, light penetration, water absorption, resiliency, UV stability, roll sizes and porosity.

The test method, English M.A.R.V and Metric M.A.R.V are featured.

A note states that PP5-HD is a woven product, thus no netting is utilized in the construction of the material.

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