28-29 Septic Fabric Geosynthetic Specification
28-29 Septic Fabric Geosynthetic Specification.pdf

This document is the specification for Septic Fabric 28-29. Scope, filter fabric requirements, properties with table and packaging discussed.
This specification describes ADS 28-29 (0.7 oz.) Septic Fabric. ADS 28-29 septic fabric is a spunbound polypropylene nonwoven. ADS 28-29 resists ultraviolet deterioration, rotting, biological degradation and naturally encountered basics and acids. ADS 28-29 Septic Fabric conforms to the physical property values.
The filter fabric properties table lists the properties of base weight, MD grab tensile, MD grab elongation, CD grab tensile, CD grab elongation, MD trap tear, CD trap tear, frazier air permeability and water flow. Test method, unit and M.A.R.V. values provided.
Roll dimension packaging is detailed.