18" - 30" Sealed Frame & Cover Bolted to Drain Basin Nyloplast Detail

18" - 30" Sealed Frame & Cover Bolted to Drain Basin Nyloplast Detail.pdf

18" - 30" Sealed Frame & Cover Bolted to Drain Basin Nyloplast Detail

This document is the 18" - 30" Sealed Frame & Cover Bolted to Drain Basin Nyloplast Detail. Illustrations with descriptions shown.

The detail shows the various parts and dimensions of the frame & cover including the 18” – 30” solid cover, neoprene strip seal with adhesive back, hex bolt zinc gold steel position, cover frame, hex bolts equally spaced with rubber sealing washers and 100% silicone caulk.

Note 1 states that the hex bolts with sealing washers and silicone caulk are not provided by nyloplast. Note 2 recommends that the process of sealing and bolting frame to basin must be done in the field.

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