Inserta Tee Hole Saw Detail
Inserta Tee Hole Saw Detail.pdf

This document describes the Inserta Tee Hole Saw Detail. A chart showing common and uncommon hole saw measurements with notes provided.
The Inserta Tee Hole Saw Detail for common hole saws shows the hole saw series of red, blue, silver and gold with their corresponding hole saw depth, mainline pipe type and lateral size for hole saw size and pilot drill measurements.
The Inserta Tee Hole Saw Detail for uncommon hole saws shows the hole saw series of orange, grey and black with their corresponding hole saw depth, mainline pipe type and lateral size for hole saw size and pilot drill measurements.
Use of Inserta Tee Hole Saw is required for installation of Inserta Tee fittings. Silver and Gold hole saws are wet diamond bit. Reference detail STD 1100 for installation instructions.
Notes state that a heavy duty 12" drill motor recommended for coring into plastic mainlines. Heavy duty 12" drill motor recommended when using silver hole saws (4"-8") into non-plastic mainlines. Heavy duty 12" drill motor recommended when using gold hole saws (4"-10") into non-plastic mainlines. Hole Saws for Coring machines are equipped with 1 14" x 7 (tread) female adapter nut.