Track & Field Installation Duraslot Detail
Track & Field Installation Duraslot Detail.dwg
This document shows the 1464A Track & Field Installation Duraslot Detail. A detail of the Duraslot with descriptors, table and notes provided.
The Duraslot detail shows the 1/4” recess into finished pavement, concrete (by others), aluminum slot riser with optional steel grating, grass/turf field, ADS N-12 HDPE, pavement, synthetic track, concrete or asphalt (by others), stable undisturbed earth or compacted fill.
A table shows the nominal diameter ID, in. (mm) for 4 thru 36 and depth of invert height in minimum and maximum inches.
Notes state that backfill design may be used for non-vehicular loads only. Surface pavement adjoining the slot should be a non-erosive material. Coupler bands are soil-tight. For a tighter seal, a full concrete installation, neoprene sheet or mastic filler may be used. The engineer provides site specific backfill details such as pavement type.
Additional design information available through ADS tech notes.