ADS 2024 Performance Highlights

ADS continues to measure and share performance across a range of sustainability and climate measures. In Fiscal 2024, those highlights include:
of pipe revenue derived from recycled products
540 million
pounds of recycled materials process
$15.3 million
investment in capital projects to mitigate risk across our manufacturing network
19% decrease
in total recordable injury rate
73.5K hours
of training provided to our workforce

Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, we believe it is important for ADS to identify how we can align our operations and impact with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”), a comprehensive framework created to enable a more sustainable world by 2030. Identifying our alignment with the UN SDGs underscores how we are demonstrating our commitment to be a conscientious corporate citizen and connecting the success of our business with positive impact for communities globally.

We are highlighting here the SDGs for which our business has the greatest impact.

Fiscal Year 2024 Performance Indicators

GHG Emissions28
Scope 1 Emissions (Metric Tons CO2e) Fiscal 202229
Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 202430
Scope 1 GHG Emissions by Type      
157,884 144,296 134,863
Natural Gas 6,529 6,424 5,547
Total Scope 1 GHG Emissions 164,413 150,720 140,410
Scope 2 Emissions (Metric Tons CO2e) Fiscal 2022
Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024
Total Scope 2 GHG Emissions (Market Based) 174,543 164,855 157,312
Total Scope 2 GHG Emissions (Location Based) 167,434 161,303 154,719
Emissions Intensity (Scope 1 & 2)  Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024
Total GHG Emissions (Scope 1 & 2) (Market Based) 388,956 315,574 297,722
Total GHG Emissions (Scope 1 & 2) (Location Based)  331,847 312,023 295,130
Total Sales ($, in millions) 2,769 3,071 2,874
Total GHG Emissions Intensity (Scope 1 & 2) (Market Based/Location Based) 110 / 108 103 / 102 104 / 103
Scope 3 Emissions (Metric Tons CO2e) Fiscal 2022
Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024
Scope 3 GHG Emissions by Type      
Purchased goods and services 968,243 745,353 597,373
Other31 157,971 175,414 198,004
Total Scope 3 GHG Emissions 1,126,214 920,767 795,376
Energy Usage32
Energy Consumption
Unit of Measure Fiscal 202233 Fiscal 202333 Fiscal 2024
Purchased Electricity34
Gigajoules (GJ) 1,653,838 1,582,187 1,488,709
Purchased Natural Gas GJ 129,691 127,594 110,188
Total Energy Consumption GJ 1,783,529 1,709,781 1,598,897
ADS Sales $, in millions $2,769 $3,071 $2,874
Energy Intensity GJ per million revenue $ 644 557 556
Fleet Metrics
Fleet Efficiency35
Unit of Measure Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Fiscal 2024
Fuel Economy36 Miles per gallon (MPG) 6.5 6.5 6.4
Payload Efficiency37 Pounds shipped per miles traveled
23.7 22.0 22.6
Fuel Consumed38 GJ 1,016,622 920,720 854,618
NOx emissions39 Grams per mile (g/m)

Grams per ton mile (g/tm)
3.25 [4.65]

0.26 [0.26]
3.02 [4.03]

0.29 [0.29]
2.99 [3.99]

0.30 [0.30]
CO2 emissions39 Grams per mile (g/m)

Grams per ton mile (g/tm)
1,610 [1,510]

107 [107]
1,601 [1,491]

105 [105]
1,558 [1,558]

117 [117]
Particulate matter emission39 Grams per mile (g/m)

Grams per ton mile (g/tm)
0.0445 [0.0445]

0.0028 [0.0028]
0.0052 [0.0332]

0.0017 [0.0028]
0.0051 [0.0321]

0.0018 [0.003]
Remanufactured Product Revenue40
Remanufactured Product Revenue Unit of Measure Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024
Remanufactured Product Revenue % of total revenue 57.2% 52.6% 51.1%
Percent of revenue from remanufactured products % of total pipe revenue 60.8% 56.7% 53.7%
Waste Generated (metric tons) Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024
Total hazardous waste generated41 45 45
Total non-hazardous waste generated 77,590 73,985 
Total waste generated 77,635 74,030
Ratio: Hazardous waste / Revenue (metric tons/million revenue $) 0.01 0.02 
Ratio: Non-hazardous waste / Revenue (metric tons/million revenue $) 25.26 25.74
Waste Disposal (metric tons) Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024
Non-hazardous waste to landfill 26,118 27,978
Non-hazardous waste recycled externally 26,609 25,779
Non-hazardous waste recycled internally 24,862 20,228
Total non-hazardous waste generated 77,589 73,985
Ratio: Non-hazardous waste to landfill/Revenue (metric tons/million revenue $) 8.50 9.73
Ratio: Non-hazardous waste to diverted from landfill/Revenue (metric tons/million revenue $) 16.76 16.01
Employee Health & Safety44,45
  Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024
Total Recordable Injury Rate46 2.7 2.6  2.1
Fatality Rate 0.00 0.02 0.00
Near Miss Frequency Rate47 9.5 9.4 11.7
28 Emissions data is representative of the ADS business in the United States and Canada. The data does not include joint ventures facilities in Mexico or Other International, which represent less than 5% of net sales.

29 Fiscal 2022 and Fiscal 2023 Scope 1 & 2 emissions and totals reported in this table have been updated to match the calculations and reporting transparency methods used in Fiscal 2024.

30 The methodology for calculating Scope 1 GHG emissions for Fiscal 2024 includes CH4, and N2O emissions in addition to CO2 emissions previously reported (the sum of CH4, N2O and CO2 comprises CO2e). Scope 1 Emissions for Fiscal 2022 and 2023 were also updated to use this same methodology.

31 All other scope 3 categories are less than 10% of the total emissions.

32 Fiscal 2024, Fiscal 2023 and Fiscal 2022 data does not include Cultec (acquired in May 2022) the joint ventures in Mexico or other international sales which represent less than 5% of net sales. In addition, Fiscal 2023 and Fiscal 2022 data does not include Jet Polymers (acquired in December 2021).

33 ADS is constantly refining our data collection, calculation and reporting process and is re-stating figures for Fiscal 2022 and Fiscal 2023 to ensure accuracy of methodology across all reporting year data.

34 100% grid electricity. We did not purchase any renewable energy in Fiscal 2024, 2023 or 2022.

35 Fleet efficiency data is representative of the entire ADS fleet, which operates in the United States and Canada.

36 MPG is defined as total miles traveled divided by total fuel consumed. MPG is tracked through a third-party telematics program. Telematics are installed on all ADS medium and heavy-duty ADS trucks.

37 ADS defines payload efficiency as the total pounds shipped on ADS fleet divided by the total miles traveled on the ADS fleet. ADS uses payload efficiency as a measure of capacity utilization.

38 Fuel is tracked through a third-party telematics program. Converted from gallons to GJ at a rate of 0.14652 GJ per 1 gallon.

39 As part of our commitment to the Smartway Program, NOx, CO2 and Particulate Matter emissions are tracked on a calendar year basis. Values for Fiscal 2024, represent calendar year 2023 data, Fiscal 2023 values represent calendar 2022 data, and Fiscal 2022 values represent calendar 2021 data. Data in brackets represents data for the ADS fleet in Canada, which is tracked and reported to the US EPA Smartway Program separately.

40 Prior year numbers have been restated to reflect percentage of total revenue.

41 Hazardous waste data is an estimate based on manifests collected at the facilities in Fiscal 2023 and estimated based on the weight of water.

44 Safety statistics are representative of the ADS Legacy operations in the United States and Canada and Infiltrator. Jet Polymers and Cultec data is included starting in Fiscal 2023. The data does not include joint ventures in Mexico or Other International, which represent less than 5% of net sales.

45 Rates are calculated as: (Statistic count x 200,000) / hours worked.

46 TRIR: A work-related injury or illness is considered a recordable incident if it results in any of the following: death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness. Additionally, a significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional is considered a recordable incident, even if it does not result in death, days away from work, restricted work or job transfer, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness.

47 Near Miss Frequency Rate: A work-related near miss is defined as an unplanned incident in which no property or environmental damage or personal injury occurred, but where damage or personal injury easily could have occurred but for a slight circumstantial shift.

SASB and GRI Indexes

The ADS Sustainability Report reflects guidance from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), relevant third-party sustainability reporting frameworks.

SASB standards are designed to identify and standardize disclosure for the sustainability issues most relevant to investor decision-making, and GRI standards remain the most widely used sustainability reporting standards globally.

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