thought-leadership Industry News and Awards

February 24, 2021 / 2 minute read

Green Line Polymers is now ADS Recycling

Throughout the years, ADS’ acquisition timeline has been packed full of many exciting company purchases, each bringing common cultures and popular market segment brands to ADS portfolio.

To support this growth, many internal brands were created as a popular way to share pride, create distinction among divisions and position the company for future growth.  Green Line Polymers is one of those acquired companies and has generated significant value for ADS. While highly valued, it is time to shift and simplify our branding and put the full power of our recycling activities with the parent ADS brand.   This will strengthen our recognition as one of the largest recycling companies in the U.S.A.  It is incredibly important that we leverage the recycling activities as part of the ADS brand and story.

The Green Line Polymers brand will be dissolved into ADS so that the full power and message of our recycling prowess will be realized into the corporate ADS brand. Our new brand promise is “To protect and manage water, the world’s most precious resource, safeguarding our environment and communities.”  This new branding will allow us to tell broader stories of community impact and our recycling efforts while continuing our mission to relentlessly contribute to the success of ADS one pellet at a time.  Additionally, as ADS, our service anniversaries, compensation structure, and benefits will remain unchanged.

Learn more by going to our new ADS Recycling page located on our sustainability microsite.

Microsoft will be phasing out Internet Explorer soon. Because of this, we did not build the site to be used with IE. Please use Chrome, Edge or another browser to fully experience the new ADS website. .