USGA Perimeter Drain Green Profile (AdvanEDGE) Detail

USGA Perimeter Drain Green Profile (AdvanEDGE) Detail.dwg

USGA Perimeter Drain Green Profile (AdvanEDGE) Detail

This document is the USGA Perimeter Drain Green Profile (AdvanEDGE) Detail. Diagrams with descriptions and a note provided.

The USGA Perimeter Drain Green diagram shows direction to main line, 4” injection molded Tee, 6” width x 8” depth trench with gravel, 12” AdvenEdge pipe, vertical perimeter drain, outlet Tee and 12” AdvenEdge Tee.

The putting surface diagram shows the putting surface, root zone mixture, gravel layer and 4” injection molded Tee.

The 3rd diagram shows the perimeter barrier, well compacted select soil, AdvenEdge Tee, AdvenEdge outlet, 4” N-12 solid, 4” HDPE solid pipe and 4” HDPE perforated.

A note clarifies that the vertical pipe omitted for clarity.

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