Duraslot Installation, Assembly & Field Cut Guide

Duraslot Installation, Assembly & Field Cut Guide.pdf

Duraslot Installation, Assembly & Field Cut Guide

Information on Duraslot installation, assembly and field cut is given in this guide.

Duraslot’s installation and backfill conditions will vary depending on the slotted pipe’s diameter and expected loading application. Detailed burial depth and backfill information should be determined before construction begins.

Duraslot installation guidelines and tips can be found in the instructions. The installation guidelines are as follows:

1) Excavate pipe trench corresponding to the site plans and follow along with other guidelines given.

2) Place base material level in the trench bottom.

3) Place and assemble Duraslot pieces in bottom of trench by referring to the Duraslot Assembly Guide. If not connecting to a basin, a Duraslot adapter is required to connect to outlet pipe or structure.

4) Cover slot riser opening to prevent debris from entering system.

5) Brace the Duraslot so that it remains in place securely.

6) Backfill the trench with appropriate material per the application’s loading requirements.

7) Remove the bracing around the slot riser.

8) Backfill any remaining part of the trench to final grade.

Detailed Duraslot assembly instruction are covered in the document. All Duraslot coupler bands, end caps and adapters will include the hardware required to complete the assembly. The instructions are for grated coupler assembly, grate anchor assembly, open top coupler assembly and slot cap assembly and are shown in drawing details.

Duraslot field cut instructions are as follows:

1) Determine pipe length required and mark where to cut it.

2) Use a reciprocating saw to cut through the aluminum slot and pipe.

3) Attach the grate anchor and end cap assembly to the open end of the aluminum slot.

4) Proceed with the installation requirements per Duraslot Installation Guidelines.

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