TN 1.05 Pipe Joints & Gaskets

TN 1.05 Pipe Joints & Gaskets.pdf

TN 1.05 Pipe Joints & Gaskets

TN 1.05 Pipe Joints & Gaskets is the technical note providing product characteristics and typical uses of pipe used for storm drainage, sanitary sewer and irrigation. ADS offers a full line of corrugated pipe products to fit the requirements of nearly any storm drain or gravity flow project and some sanitary sewer and low head pressure project specifications.

ADS pipe products use two base materials: high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP). The HDPE products are black in color, while the PP products are grey in color.

Products used for mainline storm drainage and sanitary sewer have a dual wall or triple wall profile.

Figure 1 offers a diagram showing dual wall and triple wall profiles for reference. For all IB (integral bell) products, a gasketed integral bell and spigot joint, which maintains a constant outside diameter (OD) to avoid additional excavation for the bells, is utilized on 12” – 60”pipe; 4” - 10” pipe comes with a coupler installed by the manufacturer to eliminate the need for additional couplers, but is not manufactured on the pipe as with the IB connection. Products using the IB joint configuration include N-12 ST IB, N-12 WT IB, MEGA-GREEN® , SaniTite®, HP Storm, SaniTite HP and Low Head pipe.

ADS gaskets meet the requirements of ASTM F477, “Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe.” There are two categories of gasket connections required to join ADS products: integral connections and field/fitting connections. Integral connections utilize the manufactured integral bell and spigot (IB) that was described in the preceding pipe product sections. Field couplers or fitting connections use a welded bell that is identifiably larger than the IB joint on unmodified pipe. Gaskets are available for soil-tight or watertight performance.

Chemical resistance of gaskets is a concern where abnormal chemicals or abnormal concentrations of chemicals are present. Like other common storm water drainage pipe materials, ADS pipe products utilize polyisoprene rubber gaskets manufactured meeting the requirements of ASTM F477. Alternative pipe gasket materials are available for applications that require resistance to hydrocarbons, oil, gas or acids.

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