1463 Airport Installation Duraslot Detail
1463 Airport Installation Duraslot Detail.pdf

This document shows the 1463 Airport Installation Duraslot Detail. A detail of the Duraslot with descriptors, table and notes provided.
The Duraslot detail shows the 1/2” recess into finished pavement, aluminum slot riser with optional steel grating, 4000 PSI compressive strength concrete, ADS N-12 HDPE, expansion joint, asphalt or concrete pavement, base material as appropriate and stable, undisturbed earth or compacted fill.
A table shows the nominal diameter ID, in. (mm) for 4 thru 36 and depth of invert height in minimum and maximum inches.
Notes state recommend installation configuration for airports with design single wheel loads of 16,000 LBS or less. Compaction of the subgrade and use of base material as required to provide stable foundation. All concrete work shall be in accordance with the project documents and/or local specification. Install DuraSlot sections, couplers, fittings and structure connections per installation guidance. See E.O.R drawings for pavement design details and additional information regarding general conditions and drainage design.