Ag 4 inch Universal Tap Tee Product Sheet

Ag 4 inch Universal Tap Tee Product Sheet.pdf

Ag 4 inch Universal Tap Tee Product Sheet

This document is the Ag 4 inch Universal Tap Tee Product Sheet. Features, benefits, injection mold technology and installation tips provided.

The ADS 8-in-1 universal tap tee allows fitting for all 6”-12” single and dual wall pipes. Features are 4” hole saw used on all diameters, protrusion matches the marketplace and product offerings, advanced rib design prevents product from rotating and stop ring ensures product is not pushed too far into the mainline.

Benefits are the Tee utilizes one fitting for all 6”-12” single and dual wall products. Installs in seconds for a soil-tight connection to main lines. Reduces SKUs for efficiency. Allows easier ordering and inventory process and endures wear and tear during pipe installation.

Connection design allows for universal fit. Side wings with pullout resistant lugs limit rocking and provide a stable connection. Anti-rotation rib prevents over insertion. Multi-purpose stop rib allows for limited insertion depth and design allows for easy insertion with pull-out resistance.

Advanced injection mold technology provides flexibility while still strong and durable. The design increases the pull-out force while maintaining decreased insertion force. A chart shows the values for the insertion force and pull out force of each model Tee.

Installation is in 4 steps. Align the arbor bit into the valley of the corrugations and core out the pipe. Line up the universal tap Tee. Push the fitting into the hole by hand. Once the universal tap Tee is entered into the mainline pipe, a soil-tight connection is made.

Photographs of the unit and finished installed provided.

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