Fine Slot N-12 Pipe Product Sheet

Fine Slot N-12 Pipe Product Sheet.pdf

Fine Slot N-12 Pipe Product Sheet

Fine Slot N-12® Pipe is HDPE drainage pipe that offers joining ADS perforated pipe & sock systems for use in agricultural applications and subsurface de-watering.

The pipe is available in 12”, 15”, and 18” (300-450 mm) diameters and contains a superior built-in bell-and-spigot joint. The joints are sealed by high-quality, factory-installed rubber gaskets.

The pipe is designed with fine slots in the valleys of the pipe. 20” (6m) or 13’ (4m) lengths are available. Joint design is bell-and-spigot with an in-line bell design. Fine Slot N-12 Pipe has exceptional joint strength and excellent abrasion and corrosion resistance. It is lightweight and can be installed quickly.

The interior walls are smooth for hydraulic efficiency. The structural strength will support H-25 live loads with 12” (300mm) minimum cover.

Fine Slot N-12 Pipe design minimizes soil infiltration and allows for drainage. It comes in a variety of diameters and lengths that will fit any project. The joint only requires lube for fitting, the ends are easily pushed together for easy field installation.

Unlike pipes from other manufacturers, there aren’t any additional gasket materials, grout or sealing bands to transport and apply. Fine Slot N-12 Pipe is made from HDPE and has been shown to have long-term durability in the field.

This document includes the full specifications for the ADS Fine Slot N-12 Pipe in sizes 12”, 15”, & 18” (300 to 450mm) for use in gravity flow land drainage applications. The specifications include pipe requirements, joint performance, fittings, material properties and installation information.

Installation of the Fine Slot N-12 Pipe is in compliance with ASTM D2321 or PPI tech-note 37-2006, as well as ADS published installation guidelines.

Maximum fill heights depend on embedment material and compaction level, refer to Installation Guide 1.03 for more information. Tables are included in this document for Pipe Nominal Dimensions, Perforation Dimensions and Perforation Outflow Tested Values.

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