Sanitary Installation Guide

Sanitary Installation Guide.pdf

Sanitary Installation Guide

This document is the Sanitary Installation Guide. Instructions from job site handling and receiving to installation and repair discussed.

Receiving recommendations, handling recommendations with a recommended pipe handling method chart provided. Job site pipe storage, trench construction with minimum trench widths chart, parallel pipe installation, trench boxes, subtrench installation, bell & spigot joint assembly, Installation Stub Fabrication, Joining Different Pipe Types or Sizes, Manholes and Catch Basin/ Connections, Field Gasket Assembly, Fittings Assembly, Backfill Recommendations, Backfill Material Selection and Groundwater or Surface Runoff Backfill Envelope Construction are discussed.

Other Installation Considerations like Construction and Paving Traffic, Maximum Cover, Flotation, Bending Radius, Service Connections and Thrust Restraint detailed.

Repair Methods explore Watertight PVC Slip Coupling, External Coupling, Concrete Collar, Chemical Grouting and Internal Sealing processes.

Recommendations for In-Field Testing, Leakage Testing and Deflection Testing are provided.

Charts, graphs and diagrams support each section.

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