1412 Duraslot & Duraslot XL Adapter
1412 Duraslot & Duraslot XL Adapter.dwg

This document shows the 1412 Duraslot & Duraslot XL Adapter. Details of the various Duraslot adapters with dimension charts and notes provided.
The details show the Duraslot ST Cleated Internal Adapter for 4” pipe diameter, Bell-Bell Adapter for 6”-10” pipe diameter, St Cleated External adapter for 12” pipe diameter and Split Coupler Adapter for 30” & 36” pipe diameter, end view and side view. All details feature A/B/C/D/E dimensions.
A chart has the information for Adapters for Duraslot dimensions for pipe inches, A/B/C/D/E dimensions and product number. A 2nd chart has the information for Adapters for Duraslot XL dimensions for pipe inches, A/B/C/D/E dimensions and product number.
Notes state that all fitting dimensions are for reference only and all hardware required for assembly is included with the purchase of a coupler band, including the slot end cap.