607 HDPE to HDPE Connection Detail
607 HDPE to HDPE Connection Detail.dwg
This document is the 607 HDPE to HDPE Connection Detail. Cross sections with descriptions and dimensions provided.
The first cross section shows the cut line and remove bell or spigot end of pipe.
The second cross section shows a mission rubber, fernco or approved equal to create a watertight connection, existing grade, pipe bushing, the HDPE pipe to be connected, existing HDPE pipe and pipe bedding material.
The third section shows an existing grade, the HDPE pipe to be connected, existing HDPE pipe and excavate existing grade to avoid soil intrusion and to create a safe work area.
Notes state that connection and pipe to be backfilled per ASTM D2321. For connections where outside diameters of two connections pipes are different and a watertight connection is required, the coupler manufacturer may recommend the use of a pipe bushing. The pipe bushing size is based on the pipe dimensions.