204B 12-42 HDPE N-12 Booted (Cored or Cast Hole) Structure Connection Detail

204B 12-42 HDPE N-12 Booted (Cored or Cast Hole) Structure Connection Detail.pdf

204B 12-42 HDPE N-12 Booted (Cored or Cast Hole) Structure Connection Detail

This document is the 204B 12-42 HDPE N-12 Booted (Cored or Cast Hole) Structure Connection Detail. A detail, chart and notes provided.

The detail shows the Booted (Cored or Cast Hole) resilient structure connection (Press Seal system or KOR-N-Seal), ADS welded bell (gasketed plain end available) and the fabricated MH adapter.

A chart with values pipe size, ADS product codes for bell end and plain end, manhole boot codes for press seal systems and Trelleborg Kor-N-Seal.

Notes recommend performance is highly dependent on installation. Manhole gasket must be uniformly seated around structure adapter.

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