109 Classes of Embedment and Backfill Materials Detail
109 Classes of Embedment and Backfill Materials Detail.pdf

This document is the 109 Classes of Embedment and Backfill Materials Detail. A detailed chart shows the classes of backfill with descriptions and measurements.
The detailed chart shows the classes of embedment and backfill materials for ASTM D2321 class description, ASTM D2487 notation and description, AASHTO M43 notation, AASHTO M145 notation, BNQ 2560, ASTM D2321 breakdown by percentage passing sieve sizes, Atterberg limits and coefficients.
Notes state to refer to ASTM D2321, CSA B182.11/BNQ 2560 for more complete soil descriptions. Class I materials allow for a broader range of fines than previous versions of ASTM D2321/ B182.11. When specifying Class I material for infiltration systems, the engineering shall include a requirement level for an acceptable level of fines. All particle faces shall be fractured. Assumes less than 25% passes the 3/8” sieve. Class IV materials require a geotechnical evaluation prior to use. Uniform fine sand with more than 50% passing a 100 sieve behave like silts and should be treated as Class III soils. Class V materials shall not be permitted as bedding or backfill material.