Nyloplast Self-Level Grate

Nyloplast Self-Level Grate.pdf

Nyloplast Self-Level Grate

This document is the Nyloplast Self-Level Grate. Nyloplast basins used for under-pavement applications with self-leveling grates explained. Grate details shown.

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. offers Nyloplast basins for all applications. Nylpolast products are more durable and corrosion resistant than precast concrete basins.

Nyloplast basins can be used for under-pavement applications with self-leveling grates or standard grates.

A self-leveling system allows for quick installation during the road paving process, can be easily adjusted for future resurfacing and allows for vertical expansion of soil due to severe freeze-thaw cycles.

Self-leveling grates are available for 600 and 750 mm (24” and 30”) Nyloplast basins and meet CL-625 (HS-20) load capacity requirements.

The Nyloplast basin represents the latest technology in the field of stormwater management. The innovative combination of proven ductile iron grates and a strong and robust PVC structure makes the Nyloplast basin unique in the field of surface drainage. The Nyloplast basin is used in commercial, municipal, institutional, landscaping and sports field projects.

Features and benefits of the self-leveling grate are: Long service life, Watertight connections with thermoformed bells, Connects to all plastic pipe types, Faster installation for reduced installation costs, Grate options include self-leveling or standard and Safety factor of 5 for traffic applications HS-20 (CL-625).

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