HP Storm Culvert Replacement Case Study

HP Storm Culvert Replacement Case Study.pdf

HP Storm Culvert Replacement Case Study

This document is the HP Storm Culvert Replacement Case Study. Henrico County in Virginia approved HP Storm for roadways and right of ways discussed.

Henrico County, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, recently approved HP Storm, manufactured from polypropylene, pipe to be used in roadways and right of ways.

The first maintenance project where HP Storm was utilized was a 45’ (14 m) culvert. This was a replacement project where corrugated metal pipe (CMP) had been installed and was damaged. On-site training for the crew was provided by Advanced Drainage Systems.

The installation allowed the Henrico County maintenance crew to handle, cut and install the pipe for the first time with ADS personnel providing training. HP Storm is lightweight, which was a benefit to the crew allowing for a safer and faster installation. Henrico County chose HP Storm as the pipe provided enhanced strength, superior hydraulics,

ease of installation, long service life and corrosion resistance. After the success of this culvert, the county purchased HP Storm pipe to have in inventory for maintenance projects.

The installation was done in August 2023 using 45’ (14 m) of 18” (450 mm) HP Storm pipe.

Photographs of the project are included.

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