water Water

September 5, 2019 / 1 minute read

Protecting the Watering Hole: Jackson Hole Airport

Creating any new infrastructure at Wyoming’s Jackson Hole Airport presents a plethora of challenges and constraints. Located in Grand Teton National Park, it was important to protect the natural resources of the park, and ensure that protection over a long period of time, which is why we were proud to partner with Jackson Hole airport and their designer to provide an environmentally sustainable stormwater solution.

Did You Know?

Have you ever wondered how Jackson Hole got its unique name? It was named in 1893 by resident Margaret Simpson who, at the time, was receiving mail at her home because the town didn't have a name or a post office! She decided to name it after David Edward "Davy" Jackson, a trapper and one of the first European Americans to spend an entire winter in the the valley of the Teton Mountains. The term "hole" was used by early trappers or mountain men, as a term for a large mountain valley. And now you know how Jackson Hole got its name!

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