February 26, 2024 / 4 minute read
Seize the Season: ADS Offers Tips, Planning for Spring Installation

You know how to push to get the job done before the weather turns or the next project has to get going. It’s a relentless grind from the first signs of spring to the holiday gatherings at the end of the year. Eventually, the ground freezes, and the rumble in the fields goes quiet. This is a crucial time for contractors and farmers to gear up for the next rush — preparing their equipment, product and themselves. The team at ADS is ready to help farmers and contractors every step of the way.
Shop talk
Getting ready for the next season starts in the shop. The winter months provide the all-important window to go over the maintenance on your machines and equipment. That includes big projects like major repairs and routine ones such as oil changes, greasing and replacing pump drives. It’s also a good time to take inventory of pipe and fittings and order them if you’re running low.
“The biggest thing in preparation for spring installs is making sure your equipment is ready to perform when the time is right,” says Eric Esser, an ADS territory manager in southern Minnesota. If equipment goes down in the thick of installations, productivity goes to zero fast. In some parts of the country, the opportunity for installing drainage pipe in the spring only lasts about a month. That leaves very little wiggle room and plenty of reason to lower the risk.
Another key priority is getting a job planned out early to ensure pipe and any necessary fittings are ordered and ready to go. Northeast Ohio ADS territory manager Adam Esbenshade takes time in the winter months to meet with contractors to find out what projects they have coming up. Getting the job details and pre-ordering taken care of is just like making sure equipment is good to go. “The more things you can handle over the winter, the more productive you can be in the field,” Esbenshade says.
Another key component for preparation to ensure the safety of you and your crew is to call 811 before breaking ground. For more information, visit the 811 website.
Everyone needs a recharge
Equipment is not the only thing that needs a reboot in the winter. So do people.
“The contractors I partner with go really hard in the spring, through the summer and into fall,” Esser says. “Winter is a chance to recharge the battery and gives everyone a bit of a break.” The downtime between seasons ensures your equipment and your crews are ready when it’s go time.
Know your neighbors
For farmers, the months leading up to spring planting are a time for long-term planning about drainage installation and total water management. There’s no wingin’ it because contractors’ books can get filled up fast. Winter is the ideal time to schedule office visits or meetings to come up with a multi-year strategy. Part of that planning involves neighboring farms. Since a lot of fields tie together with large mains, it’s important to get on the same page with adjacent landowners about when to get the work done
Seize the season
Everyone looks forward to spring. There’s nothing like getting back in the field after months inside the shop. But that time is not in vain. Making the most of repairs, pre-ordering materials, giving crews some personal time and coming up with long-term plans for installation will help every operation achieve better results.
Now’s the time to reach out to your local ADS sales rep and get your 2024 jobs planned out. Esser, Esbenshade and the rest of the team are ready to help with any tiling project, big or small. For more information on ADS tile, fittings and to locate a rep in your area, visit adspipe.com/agriculture.